Advice Needed

We have an attendance policy which counts each absence as an occurrence and each 1/2 day absence as 1/2 of an occurrence. When we get to 7, we terminate.
The policy is not very old, but we are beginning to have our first issue with an exempt employee. Is there a reason we can't treat this employee the same.
And because I am always confused over exempt/non-exempt issues and though ashamed to admit it I do! If we have an exempt employee who has exhausted their PTO/sick time and misses a day, do I have to pay them for that anyway since they are salaried?
Thanks, as always, to those who will help.
I appreciate it tremendously.
The policy is not very old, but we are beginning to have our first issue with an exempt employee. Is there a reason we can't treat this employee the same.
And because I am always confused over exempt/non-exempt issues and though ashamed to admit it I do! If we have an exempt employee who has exhausted their PTO/sick time and misses a day, do I have to pay them for that anyway since they are salaried?
Thanks, as always, to those who will help.
I appreciate it tremendously.
an employer is only permitted to make a deduction frm the salary of an exempt employee for UNEXCUSED absences, such as when the employee has used all accrued paid time off, and is absent for a FULL day or more.
if the employee is eligible for vacation, sick or personal days then the employer may substitute the accrued paid leave for the time the employee is absent from work.
If, however, the employee is absent for less than a full day, and has no accrued time off, the employee will need to be paid his entire salary for that week. If the employee is absent for a full day or more, no compensation for the absent day(s) is required. There's a whole lot of into at [url][/url]
hope this helps
James Sokolowski