9/80 work schedule

Does anyone have a 9/80 work schedule they could discuss or share a copy of it? Here are a few items I'm interested in hearing more about: (1) Did you change your payweek to accommodate this schedule? (2) Did you see any improvement or worsening of attendance when it was put in place? (3) How did you handle holiday weeks for the hourly? (4) Did you implement organization-wide, or is it limited to specific departments or work groups? and (5) Are your exempts in this/these group(s) working the 9/80 schedule, or are they working the traditional Monday-Friday?
We initiated 9/80 in the early 90's as an option for both exempt and non-exmept emplyees in addition to 5/40 and 4/40 schedules. Line emplyees and staff emplyees, subject to operational considerations in their partiuclar offices (the various local offices and the various operations at administrative headquarters) can choose any of these work schedules.
We did not change pay days for 9/80 employees. We pay our emplyees once a month (on the 15th); however, if they have direct deposit, they will be paid twice a month (30th and 15th).
We've never taken any productivity assessment of employees based upon the particular schedule they work. However I should mention several months ago the head of the agency placed certain administrative employees on 9/80 to ensure adquate coverage on Fridays (many employees had opted for 4/40 with Fridays off and the head found some coverage issues so moved the administraitve staff from 4/40 to 9/80). Tha'ts the way he wanted to do it rather than letting individual administrative managers ensure coverage for their partiuclar oparations within the agency.
If a paid holiday occurs on a 9 hour day for an hourly, non-exmept emplyee, since our holidays equate to 8 hour of pay, the emplyee must use his or her own accrued paid time bank (e.g, PTO) to cover for that one additional hour or go unpaid for that additional hour. That would also apply to non-exmepts who work 4/40 (two hours unpaid or two hours used from accrued paid time bank).
For salaried exempts, under 29CFR541.118(a), since we close down on a holiday, the emplyee must receive the full days pay. While holiday is shown as the absence with pay, the computer system is programed to automatically issue 9 hours of pay for that day (the computer system knows the work schedule of every employee).
Remember, 9/80 is unique. It is best if the 8 hour day alternates with the regular day off (which most likely will be Monday or Friday).In order to avoid paid overtime for non-exempts, you have to change thw work week so that it basically runs from the middle of the 8 hour day to the middle of the regular day off. And changing work weeks and work schedules that involve 9/80 has to be planned out both going to and coming off 9/80.