project time tracking for accounting for exempt EEs

We currently have our salaried construction employees (I just found out about this) turn in a time sheet so that the various hours spent on different projects can be billed to those projects. I have come up with a new form that has the project, job code, and days of the week on it. No where does it say Time Sheet. Can anyone think of a reason why I shouldn't use that sheet instead? Other ideas?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It's OK to track hours for exempt employees. Billing purposes is one of the examples often used. As long as you are paying them by the week with no regard to the hours on the time sheet, don't sweat the name of the form.
  • Agree with Marc. Don't worry about what you call the form or what heading is on it. Time Sheet is fine. In fact, call it "Exempt Employee Daily Time and Hours Tracking and Verification Sheet" if you like. It's quite appropriate to track exempt time. Other reasons are for the proper audit of vacation and sick leave taken from leave banks and as a backup tracker for FMLA leave taken. The tracking of time is never wrong. However, what you might do with that information, as a result, could be improper or illegal. Your intended use is fine.
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