
If an exempt employee In (Illinois) is off sick and has used bank time (personal time off pay)that is allowed by the company, as an exempt employee is the company liable to pay the employee for the remainder of the days off that employee did not have coverage for.


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  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-30-04 AT 03:03PM (CST)[/font][br][br]While I am not particularly familiar with Illinois state wage and hour law, if any, FLSA itself allows the employer to dock the full day's salary for any salaried exempt employee who is absent for a full day due to personal reasons or due to illness or injury. However, in order for the emplyer to dock the day's salary from the weekly salary if the employee is absent for full day due to illness or injury, the employee must be subject to a "sick pay" mechanism such as paid sick leave time. If so, the dock may still be made even if the employee has exhausted the paid sick leave time bank. If the employee is absent for a full day due to personal reasons (which means non-llness and injury), the employer may dock the full day's salary even if there is no accrued time benefit in the first place.

    I doubt that Illinois provisions would be significantly different.
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