Clean Up Pay and Overtime

We are a rendering company with plants in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Because of the nature of the work our production employees do (processing animal by-products) we as that our production employees shower and change out of their uniforms at the end of their shifts. We add 15 minutes time to their time worked in order to compensate them for this.
My question is this: Should this 15 minutes of time count towards overtime when calculating their 40 hours worked for the week?
Your insight into this matter is greatly appreciated.
My question is this: Should this 15 minutes of time count towards overtime when calculating their 40 hours worked for the week?
Your insight into this matter is greatly appreciated.
There was a very similar case out of the Ninth Circuit a while back, arising from a meat packing plant that required protective clothing. The court held that the employer owed overtime.
If it is compensable anyway, you might want to consider putting this time on the clock instead of adding 15 minutes separately.
Brad Forrister
Director of Publishing
M. Lee Smith Publishers
Good luck,