On-call "Beeper Pay" for Exempts? Execs?


I'd like to hear how you handle on-call or beeper pay for exempt employees...do they receive any additional compensation or not...if so, how do you compensate for being on-call, if they have to come in or handle something over the phone or from home (PC/blackberry). Does anyone provide this for top execs?


  • 10 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • At our company, the whole management team has cell phones. There is no additional compensation. It goes with the territory.
  • Cell phones are perks. Beepers are typically almost perceived punitively. People with beepers know they are liable to have to go in at a moment's notice to take care of stuff that fits the hat they wear. Since I live closest to our place of business, I find myself on all sorts of lists and I get regular calls: Sheriff's department, local constabulary, the alarm people, chemical spill folks (someone climbed on top of our ammonia tank one recent nite), fire department, any number of trucking companies, the garbage disposal people, and since I also wear the safety hat, any alarm or weather alert or on-job-accident. But, since I volunteer my services anyway, it's no big deal. I do get a turkey at Christmas. x:-)
  • But, since I volunteer my
    >services anyway, it's no big deal. I do get a
    >turkey at Christmas. x:-)

    I bet it gets deep fried!!!!!!!

  • Our top execs do not receive add'l pay for cell phones, beepers or Blackberrys. However, we do have staff who are required to carry a cell phone during their turn in the month to answer questions from our customers. Everyone in those positions receive a flat additional premium amount added to their pay each month. If they leave that position and move to another one, that premium no longer applies.
  • >Our top execs do not receive add'l pay for cell
    >phones, beepers or Blackberrys. However, we do
    >have staff who are required to carry a cell
    >phone during their turn in the month to answer
    >questions from our customers. Everyone in those
    >positions receive a flat additional premium
    >amount added to their pay each month. If they
    >leave that position and move to another one,
    >that premium no longer applies.

    Thanks everyone for your responses.

    I'd like to ask this person how much the flat monthly amount is, and what type of organization you work for. THANKS!

  • We are a life insurance company and the customer I referred to is our independent agent calling from a home, or a funeral home calling to notify us of a claim. The ones who carry the phones are our associates in our agency and underwriting depts. They receive a flat $300/month.
  • For some of our MIS staff we pay "stand by" time. This is different than "on call" which is just part of the job. If the ee is notified that he/she is on "stand by" it means that they are expected to drop whatever they are doing and be available to work within 20 minutes. During on call time, they have about a 2 hour window to work with. Stand by pays 1/10 of the person's hourly wage for the number of hours held on stand by.

    We pay for the cell phones..

  • About the same here. We did away with the "beeper" and just use the cell phones that all of our Management Team already has. There is no additional pay for exempt employees. To quote Super Chicken: "Besides you knew the job was dangerious when they took it."
    However if the extra task(s) proves to be very time comsuming as in having to spend several hours in the middle of the night fixing a problem, we always offer them "comp" time to catch up on their sleep. etc.
    Good luck.
  • Dutch: Thanks for the quote, it's one of my favorites. Unfortunately I have been attributing it to Wonder Dog.
  • Yep. "Neither bird not plan, nor even frog, just little ole me... UnderDog."

    "There is one thing you should learn; when there is no where else to turn.... Caaaall for Super Chicken!"

    Speaking of The Hunter, wasn't he a good guy on one of the UnderDog shows?

    Thanks for your help,
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