Need ideas for part-time employees

We have part-time employees who work with a group of clients for 18 - 24 hours per week. These are part-time positions with no benefits, although we do have a method of calculating some vacation time for them after 1 year. Occasionally, an employee will agree to work with 2 groups when needed, but its always been temporary, just until we get someone hired. We now have a couple of employees who are working with 2 groups & want to be classified as full-time. We don't want to do this.
I'm not aware of any laws that force us to reclassify those jobs as full-time & give benefits, but I wanted to check with this group. Also, does anyone else have this situation where an employee works 2 part-time jobs in the same company? I welcome ideas on how to make this work.
I'm not aware of any laws that force us to reclassify those jobs as full-time & give benefits, but I wanted to check with this group. Also, does anyone else have this situation where an employee works 2 part-time jobs in the same company? I welcome ideas on how to make this work.
We have a number of employees who work two or more jobs for us, but we set benefits by policy, and have exceptions for limited term positions vs regular positions. These situations do create problems: the employee works enough hours in one job to create overtime in the other position without the knowledge of the other department, etc., but we've worked through these things.