Voluntary Overtime

We asked for individuals to volunteer for OT for a Sunday. A meeting was held after the first 2 Sundays informing employees that if they volunteered, we depended upon them to show up and if they didn't, we would follow the attendance policy guidelines.
An ind. who is on final warning for attendance called in on Sunday saying she couldn't come in - didn't give a reason, kept saying she wanted to talk to her own Supv. who was not working that day. It was explained that she had made the commitment and she acknowledged that she was on warning. It was suggested that she at least come in and work part of her schedule - she agreed, however never showed up and never called back.
Do we terminate her for not coming in on a "scheduled" voluntary OT day? She says if we have a PTO policy why wouldn't this be considered an unexcused absence - ............HELP!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We had a supervisor terminate (with HR blessing) an EE yesterday for the same scenario. We have a no-fault attendance policy and this EE had served a 3-day suspension less than a month ago. She volunteered to work on Sat. and called in 5 minutes after the shift started stating she was not coming in. SORRY! Policy is Policy.

    I have never lost an UI hearing for an attendance based termination when I had good documentation.
  • We can't answer the question of whether she is eligible for PTO without more info on your PTO policy. Why wouldn't she be covered under your PTO policy? Is she out of PTO? To me voluntary OT turns into a scheduled work day when they volunteer. It sounds like she was fully aware of this. If she is not covered under the PTO policy it sounds like you should terminate her.
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