vacation scheduling

I have approximately 200 hourly employees whose vacations I keep track of each year. Quite a few of these employees schedule all of their vacation at the beginning of the year (this could be up to 20 days)then throughout the year they request vacation days that they do not have available to schedule. This becomes very frustrating as I used to ask them what days they want to cancel, etc. I got so fed up that now, the first day they schedule without any remaining time left, I just cancel their days for the rest of the year and tell them to reschedule if they want to take any more days because I don't know what day(s) to cancel.
I'd like to know how others handle vacation requests and if anyone else has this problem. I have asked management if we can only let employees schedule vacation from January through June, then in June they can schedule their days from July through December since most of our employees have run out of vacation by June. Management said, "No. This won't work." I can't remember the last time anyone was turned down for a vacation day so that isn't a problem. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I may be able to resolve this. Our company is very lenient towards the employees. Thanks for any help you can provide.
I'd like to know how others handle vacation requests and if anyone else has this problem. I have asked management if we can only let employees schedule vacation from January through June, then in June they can schedule their days from July through December since most of our employees have run out of vacation by June. Management said, "No. This won't work." I can't remember the last time anyone was turned down for a vacation day so that isn't a problem. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I may be able to resolve this. Our company is very lenient towards the employees. Thanks for any help you can provide.
At my former company I tracked vacation for 300+ employees and, if I received a vacation request for an employee who didn't have any vacation available, due to already having them scheduled, I denied the request. The employees quickly learned that if they wanted to get their vacation approved, they needed to indicate, ON THE VACATION REQUEST FORM, what day(s) they wanted to cancel to allow them the time available to get their new request approved.
When I get a request for vacation I verify if they have the hrs available if not I inform them and they refigure their days off or cancel until they get more hrs.