Tax ID # vs. SS# for Wage Reporting

We have a Hispanic employee whose Social Security number came back from our payroll system company as an unmatched Social Security number. When I questioned her about this, she produced a card that she had just received from the IRS called an Individual Tax ID number-like companies use, but for an individual. Does anyone know if we are to use this (as an employer) for all payroll, benefits, etc. instead of the Social Security number?? I have been on the IRS website and it says the individual tax ID numbers are issued to aliens who are not eligible for a Social Security number.....anyone know anything about this??? I appreciate your help!
What was her response when you informed her that her SSN was a mismatch? Did she tell you that it was "taken away"?
SSN's do not get taken away, that I know of.
You can use the tax id for wage reporting, but her mismatch also puts her work elibility into question if she used a SS Card for the I-9 and if she can't resolve it with the SSA.