Employee In-house Charge Accounts

Need help proving to my boss that it is illegal to apply any employees' payroll monies to an employees' A/R account even if he is behind or not making payments. Can a hold be put on the account? I'm sure retail establishments have paragraphs in their employee handbooks that deal with this subject. Would you mind sharing? Thanks cam
You've been a help. carol
That said, you should not be deducting anything from an EEs check that has not been specifically authorized in writing. This authorization should include an accurate description and an exact amount. Pre signed generic deduction authorizations that do not include this are generally not kosher.
Also, after authorized deductions are taken into account, the check cannot be below minimum hourly wages.
You will get some opinions that differ with respect to the pre-authorizations, but if they are not specific as to amount, the generally do not pass muster.