Are any of your employeers implementing these plans? And what do you know about them? Where can I find any good information regarding them. Our company just raised the deductable on our health insurance to $1000 to put this plan in force and I think I need to know more about it before to long. Thanks for your help.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm confused. Does your company now have HSA's? I can't believe that a company would raise a deductible to $1000 to get ready for a HSA next year. Are you responsible for this implementation? One would think someone would have thought about what you are asking already. It sounds like you have the cart before the horse and that is not a good situation when it comes to health care. You could hurt your bottom line, morale as well as people's health. Get with your TPA, broker or your insurance company. They should be able to give you the guidance you need. In my opinion they should have already provided it.

    If you are not responsible for this plan and are just the "recipient" of it, I would suggest contacting whoever is responsible. They should have given you some information already and are doing you and your company a disservice by the way this has been handled. This is not intended to be a personal attack and I am sorry if this is too harsh. Welcome to the forum, we are glad to have you.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-07-04 AT 07:55AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Thanks Don. That means a lot coming from you.
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