Exempt EE Use of Accrued Time Off Policy?

We would like to begin tracking, and deducting from accrued sick and vacation time for, absences longer than 4 hours (realizing that we can't reduce pay for absences under 8 hours - a full work day).
Does anyone have a policy to share that includes this type of deduction?
Does anyone have a policy to share that includes this type of deduction?
Thanks for the response - and so quickly!
We don't have anyone abusing their exempt status, but because our accruals for both sick and vacation time are extremely generous, we would like to go ahead and begin deducting from accrued time to avoid any problems with that in the future.
From an accounting perspective, we are a small company and it is simply a matter of making an adjustment to accrued time for that pay period. Am I looking at this too simply?