"regular rate of pay"

I work in a healthcare facility. Our clinical staff are paid the base rate. The earn $1.00 an hour more for early am's, pm's, and weekends. We also have one nurse each shift "in charge", she makes more too. The shift differential is for time worked before 6 am, and after 1:30 pm. Most employees work some, but rarely only, those hours. When calculating overtime, in the past it has been on the base rate. I think that needs to be changed to include the shift and charge pay. What do you think?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Overtime should be calculated at the rate paid per hour for the normal work week. This rate should include all pay earned for those hours.
  • I think if there are shift and charge additions earned in a particular work week or pay period, then those pays are included for purposes of establishing the regular rate for that pay period. You might take a look at 29 cfr 778.110 and section 7e of the act. You'll find a pretty good discussion there. It sounds to me as if your regular rate may fluctuate on a pay period and employee basis, depending on whether they earn shif or chaarge payments during a particular pay period.
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