clocking in and out for exempt employee

We have a salary exempt employee that is now required to email upper management when he comes in and again when he leaves. Also email what he did during that day. Does anyone see a problem with this? This seems as if he is clocking in and out. My undersatanding is that the company is not allowed to place an exempt employee on a clock. Upper Management want to make sure that this employee is putting in at least 40 hours a week.
The problem comes if the emplyer attempts to base the weekly salary on the clocking in and out. Then that could lose the exempt status for the week or even permanently. Also, while there is no requirement that there be a reason for having an exmept salaried employee clock in and out, the appearance of it being done when coupled with any other violation of the salary requirements for exempt status of the position, could result in DOL concluding that the employer was in fact treating the position as non-exempt from when the clock practice began.
What are thye doing with other exempt emplyees to sure that those indviduals put in 40 hours per week? And what will the company do itf the emplyee doesn't put in 40 hours per week,or even worse, doesn't put in 40 hours in a week, but still completes all the required work in a timely manner?