Non-Exempt, Vacation Hours add to Overtime?

Some of our employees are scheduled to work more and less than 8 hours per day. Usual weekly total exceeds 40 hours. So overtime is paid. However, if employee goes on vacation, can we not count his vacation time when figuring O/T for the week? Also if his day off is a less than 8 hour day, can we charge and pay him for 8 hours and on days he's scheduled to work more than 8 hours only charge his vacation time for 8 hours? Thanks for the info.
OT is based on hours worked, so vacation and/or sick pay is not included in over time. The second part, I'm not certain that I am clear on. If the employee is scheduled to work a 9 hour day and they take that day off, we pay 9 hours vacation and if they are scheduled 6 hours, we pay 6 hours vacation. If you are talking about taking only a day or two off within the week, it would seem that failure to pay vacation at the hours scheduled would result in a loss of wages or paying over. But maybe I'm reading this wrong.