non-exempt employees

Can a nonexempt employee work 39 hours one week and 41 hours the next and get paid for 80 hours without using one hour vacation?
Is there anything to prohibit a nonexempt employee from working 85 hours one payperiod and using the 5 hours the next payperiod to balance the time out without using leave time? I would appreciate any information my colleagues can give me.
Is there anything to prohibit a nonexempt employee from working 85 hours one payperiod and using the 5 hours the next payperiod to balance the time out without using leave time? I would appreciate any information my colleagues can give me.
Peyton Irby
Editor, Mississippi Employment Law Letter
Watkins Ludlam Winter & Stennis, P.A.
(601) 949-4810
GLAD TO SEE YOU BACK "DANDY DON", I have been off the net for several days with a down computer system, back up now.
Pay periods are typically one week, two weeks or a month. A workweek, by federal definition, is a seven-day period of time and cannot by definition be an 80-hour two week time period during which you average the hours worked, unless (as I understand it) in healthcare or law enforcement or fire protection.