Exempt Consistently Working Fewer Than 40 Hours--Morale Affected

Assume the following facts: Salaried exempt employee in senior management consistently works fewer than 40 hours per week (usually 36-38) and has gradually been getting to this point by either arriving late or leaving early. The Employer has an expectation (unwritten) that all salaried exempt employees will be present and working during standard weekday office hours (8 1/2 hours per day with 1/2 hour of that time being devoted to a lunch break which may be taken on or off site). All other salaried exempt employees work at least 40 hours not including the lunch period. Other employees have noticed that this employee is present less than they are, causing morale to suffer. There is no desire to dock the employee's salary or to impose "serious" discipline--but management would like the employee to work the same hours as everyone else and resolve the morale issue. The employee seems to adequately perform his job in under 40 hours. It may be debatable whether his presence in the office is actually needed for the 2 to 4 hours per week he is not around. Would imposing a minimum 40 hour requirement on this employee offend the FLSA or do anything to adversely affect the exemption status? Would you recommend stating a "minimum 40" requirement in the employee handbook? Thanks for any and all comments.
In my opinion, it is up to his/her supervisor to make sure the work is getting done right. If it is, and there is still time available, give the ee some special assignments that will fill up the rest of the day. Senior management should have plenty of skills that would be useful is plenty of areas.
The senior executive who wrote and monitors such a policy is either a control freak or.....well, I don't know what else he may be.
I think we are serioulsy risking their exempt status, but no one wants to tackle the issue.
If the latter FLSA does address salaried, non-exmepts who work fluctuating hours. Essentially, they receive the same salary week in week out, without docking, regardless of the hours they work. And when they work over 40, they receive half time rather than time and a half.
Take a lok at the FLSA regualitns in the Code of Federal Regulations, Volume 29, Section 778.114.
And of course, 541.118 addresses the exempts who are salaired and under what condition their salary may be docked.
They are salaried exempts.
There seems to be a lack of knowledge of what constitutes a salaried employee. My understanding and how I've personally been treated in past positions is that you are paid to do a job, no matter if it takes 50 hrs or 35 hrs.
I just found out about this problem last week when a few supervisors asked if payroll had the authority to do that.
The Director of HR is on vacation so once back, I'm going to let him know what is going on.
Never a dull moment in HR is there?