No timesheet - No pay

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-13-03 AT 07:12AM (CST)[/font][p]x


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Try your state DOL wage and hour regs. Most states have some regulation regarding "timeliness of pay"
  • Our state regs (NJ) say that an employer must pay an ee for "all hours worked". It further states they must be paid in the pay week it is due. Therefore, time sheet or no time sheet we must pay our employees. We do this by having the supervisor create a "dummy" time sheet for the amount of hours they know the ee worked or absent of that they put in the base amount of hours (in our case 35 hours) and if there is a difference the change is made the next pay period. Your path to follow would be that of progressive discipline with these ee's that refuse to follow the rules. Good luck.
  • Although you may 'get away' with hassling them with a late paycheck, you are ultimately creating more problems for your bookeeping systems and payroll person by doing tht. Your real solution is in applying discipline for each of them who does not follow your LDS sheet policy.
  • You won't find what you're looking for in balck and white but 408.472 sets dates when wages must be paid. As Don D advises; pay em and discipline em!
  • I agree. Having to go back and calculate time and issue it in another paycheck or an additional check because of someone's laziness or irresponsbility is a major hassle for payroll. Put the responsibility back on them. I'd start the disciplinary process.
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