
If you have a full-time manager (exempt) scheduled to work 40 hours per week. And then you make the position part-time. But the employees continues to perform the EXACT same job description with the EXACT same supvisory authority and independent judgement, etc. The only thing is that the employee will be scheduled for 20 hours per week -- not 40 hours per week. Would you make that person non-exempt or keep her exempt and change her hours per week for pay to 20? We have a difference of opinion in our office.
My opinion was that we keep her exempt and she is scheduled to work 20. Just like me (who is scheduled to work 40) if I work more I do not get OT and if I work less I am not docked. But others in the department feel that exempt can only be 40 hours per week.
Thanks. I need answers and soon as possible please.
My opinion was that we keep her exempt and she is scheduled to work 20. Just like me (who is scheduled to work 40) if I work more I do not get OT and if I work less I am not docked. But others in the department feel that exempt can only be 40 hours per week.
Thanks. I need answers and soon as possible please.
Nothing in the way of more compensation.