Electronic Payroll Cards

I'm looking for some information on electronic payment cards used in payroll. Specifically, if you use this system I'd like to know the main pros and cons, and also whether you have mandated that all your employees switch from paper paychecks to using the cards.
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
could you let me know what you find?
Thanx in advance!
Ann, we only use them at store level when an employee is terminated. In Calfornia, we must pay out all wages and all vacation, available and accrued, at time of termination. This can be a challenge for store managers who previously had to pay them out of petty cash. If the payout exceeded their petty cash, then the check had to be couriered to them from our payroll department. I am not aware of any negatives regarding the use of the cards. Since a number of our store clerks and cashiers do not have checking accounts, the plastic actually works better for them.