Pay for youth workers

Department Supervisor hired his 14 yr old son and his 14 yr old friend to stuff some envelopes. My boss has asked me to "think outside the box" and come up with a way to pay them without the expense of setting them up on payroll. Any suggestions?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • From what I understand, you can pay someone as a contractor as long as their job duties do not fit those of an employee.

    I know you can employ children under 16 as long as you meet certain requirements such as not exceeding X number of hours per week, not scheduling them to work during school hours, and a few more. (don't have the requirements with me)

    I don't know about 14 year olds as contractors, however.

    Sorry this didn't answer your question completely, and I hope it helps!

  • Tell your boss you're likely to be thinking from 'inside a box' if you find a way to do this. : ) No way these kids are going to qualify as independent contractors. How much expense can there be to setting them up on payroll? Do what's right and put them on payroll.
  • And when you do put them on payroll, pay what the job is worth but no less than minimum wage. Age is irrelevant in determing wages to be paid. A 28-yr old with no experience in stuffing envelopes should get the same rate as a teenager with no experience stuffing envelopes.

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