
We are a healthcare facility with multiple clinics throughout the city. We have employees at a clinic who are scheduled for training at our main facility. The training class is from 9:00 - noon. The training facility is approximately 10 miles from the clinic the employee normally works at. Her normal work hours are 8:00 - 4:30 with 30 min lunch.

Here is the question, The employee does not feel that she should report to the clinic at 8:00 and then turn around and leave at 8:30 to make the 9:00 training. She wants to report directly to the training at 9:00. BUT she also doesn't feel that she should be docked the 1 hour from 8 - 9 becuase it's "not her fault training starts at 9:00 instead of her regular scheduled start time at 8:00". I am not in favor of paying an employee from 8 - 9 when she is not working. But the employee is very disgruntled becuase she can not make up her time during the week since she has to leave at 4:30 to pick up kids, etc. and she can't come in earlier than 8:00 to make up the time becuase of the kids schedule, and she can't afford to be docked.

What do you do?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • What does management want to do? If it was me, I would have the employee report as scheduled. I really do not understand what her problem is.
  • The employees problem is that she wants to go straight to training at 9:00 to the off site location, and her time be adjusted to be on the clock at 8:00 since that is her normal schedule work. I don't agree becuase I have a problem paying someone for time not worked. So. We have compromised, and told the employee if she wants to be paid from 8:00 then she needs to report to the clinic where she normally works, clock in, work 30 min, and then go to the off site location for training.

  • My advice would be to have the employee report at 8:00 as normal, punch out to leave at 8:30 (paying her for her travel time), and report back to finish her shift. I would not pay a non-exempt employee for time not worked.
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