Paying family member higher wage

We currently have an issue at our company that has been brought to my attention regarding a new hire and her wage. This new hire is related to the president of the company and has been hired to do the same job as four others who are all paid the same starting wage. The president has requested that his relative start at a higher wage. She has the same qualifications as the others. We have a salary matrix that we usually follow. Does anyone see any legal issues that may arise if others find out that she is making a higher wage for doing the same job with the same qualifications...or can we pay her whatever we want? Any discrimination issues? Any feedback that can be given would be most helpful! Thanks.
Maybe this guy just doesn't get the reality that this discrepency will surely get out. If you convince him of that maybe he'll change his mind.
Even if the relative doesn't blab IT WILL get out!