P/T Employee Benefits

I have a hourly employee who works tues, wed & thurs. 8 hours per day? We do allow p/t's to receive holiday pay as well as accrue vacation. My quesions is since most holidays fall on a monday. How can I pay this employees for the memorial day holiday? I think the p/t could take off on Tues and receive holiday pay for that day? AND Should they then be paid for the 8 hours Any suggestions?
If your policy is clear that all part timers get the holiday pay (without regard to having been scheduled to work on that weekday, such as on a Monday), then why not just accrue the holiday as paid holiday time to be taken off at a later date on Tuesday, Wendesay, or Thursday).
Answer those questions and that will give you an indication what you should do.
I'm not saying pay the employee the paid holiday unless your policy and practice say to do it, or it can reasonably be interpreted to require it in this situation. If so, then pay it, and change your policy or practice so you won't have to do it in the future.
Make life easy on yourself. If she's the unusual case that wasn't considered in the policy, go ahead and pay the holiday, and then re-write it to remove the confusion either way. I wouldn't hassle over the one day or so for her. You've got more imporatnt things to do and resolve. Get upper management's support on what you want to do in the policy or have them express what they want and then update the policy. Good luck.