Time Limit to mailing payroll checks when EE won't do DD?

We have an issue where employees at several of our remote office locations will not sign up for direct deposit and are in states where it is not mandatory. If we have to cut a payroll check to them and mail it, is there a specific time frame in which the employee has to receive it? For example, we have been overnighting the checks so they arrive on the designated payday, however, this is getting expensive. Can we send the checks out on the day they are cut, by regular U.S. Mail, even though the employee may not receive his check until the following Monday in the regular mail(our paydays fall every other Friday)?
Any insight on this would be helpful. Our home office is located in MO.
Any insight on this would be helpful. Our home office is located in MO.
For example, if a two week pay period ends on Friday March 7th, you can mail the checks that same day by regular mail with a pay date of March 14th.
Most times the check should arrive by the 14th.
We require direct deposit, but we have some tenured employees who get live checks from the days when we didn't require direct deposit. We have had occasions where checks were lost in the mail or got there late, but, as we explained to the employee, we have no control over this and that is the reason we have started requiring direct deposit.
Each state's law will vary. Lots of times you can find the state's law about these types of issues by going to the states Workforce Commission or Labor Commission website (each state calls theirs something different). Many have Q&A sections that answer these types of questions.
If the state allows US mail for delivery, I'll bet you'll have employees signing up for direct deposit the first time their check is a day or two late.
Good Luck!