Alternative to paying out employee accured vacation time when employee leaves company (California)

How do California companies deal with paying employee accured vacation time? Are there any alternatives vs. paying/cutting the employee a check when the employee leaves the company?
How do California companies deal with paying employee accured vacation time? Are there any alternatives vs. paying/cutting the employee a check when the employee leaves the company?
Good Luck!
>alternative. A company can create a defined benefit plan, create a
>Vacation Trust Fund, fund the plan then pay vacation benefits from the
>fund. This places vacation practices subject to the provisions of the
>plan and under the jurisdiction of ERISA, not the state labor code. I
>know of only one company that actually does this.
What company uses this method? I'm not trying to get out of paying the employee, I don't want to face penalties. I just wanted to be aware of any alternatives. Thanks.