Timeclock Troubles
2 Posts
I have been running into some difficulty recently with employees "forgetting to punch in." There are certain employees who are repeat offendors. They are employees who work the early am shift when no supervisor is present. I think they are coming to work late and instead of punching in late, they just claim "oops - I forgot to clock in." I would like to know if anybody has a policy/procedure for this type of thing. Also, I have an employee who is still in her introductory period and therefore hasno PTO available. Last week she requested a day off this week and requested that she be allowed to work longer hours and through her lunch to make up for the day she would be missing. Today, I know she went to lunch but did not clock out for lunch. At this point I don't know if she really made a mistake or she is trying to pull a fast one. I am uncertain how to handle this. Do I wait and see if she does this again tomorrow or do I speak with her today? Help!
I had this problem for quite some time until I placed
the following memo by all three time clocks.
Your time card represents a demand on the company for payment
as well as a working and historical document for our organization.
Effective immediately there will be no manual alterations made to
timecards. ABC Company will be paying as punched; time noted on
the card is the time we will pay. If you forget to punch in or out
for lunch, we will deduct one (1) hour for lunch and if you forget
to punch in when you arrive or out when you leave at the end of the
day, we will adjust to your scheduled hour of departure.
Any pay errors should be brought to your manager's or supervisor's
attention and they will consult with me. Any adjustments will be
made in the following payroll.
As to your other issue.....I also put in place at the beginning
of this year a "Make-Up Time Policy". California law permits
employees to make up some missed work time without overtime by
mutual agreement between the employer and the employee. I also
have a "Make-up Time Request Form" for those employees who
request it.