non-exempt to exempt

I just got moved from hourly paid to a salary paid position, but my job responsibilities did not change at all. I am a CAD Technician in Alabama. The company I work for gave me a minimal increase and took away my overtime, because they classify me as an Exempt employee now in an Adminstrative position. They classified me as Administrative while I was hourly also. Can they get away with taking my O.T. away from me?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • To answer this question really depends on a detailed analysis of your job duties. Whether you were non-exempt in the past (or whether they paid you overtime) really doesn't answer the question. The question is "can the employer classify me as exempt based on my job duties?" (an employer can always pay overtime, even if some one could be exempt).

    I suggest you look at the Department of Labor Website, to see if you can find any information about classifications and specific job duties that can help you work through this issue.

    Good Luck!
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