Time missed

An employee requests a day off or calls in sick during a regular Monday through Friday work week. I require that person use any available sick or vacation time they have accumulated for that day missed. Can I also mandate that employee works on Saturday to help cover our Saturday work load? Also, if the employee is scheduled to be off on Wednesday and work Saturday and that employee calls in sick on Tuesday, can that Tuesday be counted as his day off for that week?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Assuming there are no contractual obligations to the contrary, I believe that the answers to your questions are yes and yes. However, I would suggest that you announce this policy in advance in writing to all your employees and be prepared for some unhappy employees.
    John Vering
    Mo. co-editor
  • Thank you so much. I am ready for the unhappy employees, but only the ones that abuse time off will be affected.
  • Do you mean that only the ones that you perceive to be time-off abusers will be asked to come in on Saturdays or use that day as their day off that week? That is how I read your response, and if that is true, I would be prepared for more than just some unhappy employees. You should apply this rule consistently across the board, so that employees, the ones who only call in sick once in a blue moon and the ones who call in every other week, are subject to the same policy.
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