Liability Outside of Work Place

Our employees are questionning who pays if an employee is involved in an automobile accident while driving to or from a WC medical appointment. We require them to punch out on the time clock when they leave the building. We are in the State of Iowa. I'm sure we would be responsible for injuries unless it is determined they were someplace they shouldn't be. Unsure who pays to fix damage to car, though.

Any quick thoughts on this?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't reckon anyone knows about this one Jackie. You can make two calls at most and (hopefully) find out. First, call your comp carrier, the contact person you talk to about claims and such. If he/she doesn't know or says its not covered, call your company's property and casualty insurance carrier. I think one or both should know. If you get hesitation, call your state WC Commission and ask for one of the on-duty attorneys who can field an employer question. I do know that when I was in an auto accident while on duty going from one plant to the other, my personal automobile liability insurance kicked in first. It was considered comp to the extent that my medical was paid. But, the damage to both cars was handled by my auto insurance policy, to my dismay. Good luck.
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