
Last year we gave a collector an increase because she agreed to take on the collections for another physician - she would be collecting for 2 of them now.

Now she say that she can't collect for both of them and both the billing supervisor and the business manager agree that she can't handle both of them. They want to take the increase away (the paperwork for the increase does say why she was receving it).

Can we legally do that? The job itself has not changed only the number of physicians she will be handling.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yes you can. If the raise was based on "additional duties" and she can't perform the additional duties, you are within your rights to not pay her for work not performed. We have had this situation arise before, and we make it perfectly clear on the front end (in writing) if their end of the bargain can't be fulfilled, the salary will revert back. Even then, you still have issues sometimes with people about this.
  • Yes, you can take the increase away, but only for future work. In otherwords, you can back date taking away the increase. For the time that she attempted to collect for both doctors (even though she was not sucessful), she should be paid the full amount plus increase. From the date you take away the increase,she is paid the lower amount.

    Good luck
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