No pay for hours worked

In our company the work performed is inspected in order to get a contract paid. If the inspection fails because of poor quality work we have to send our crews back to reservice the job. We do not want to have to pay for the hours spent by our crews to reservice a job when they should have done the work correctly and properly in the first place. What problems am I creating if I do not pay our employees to go back and get the job done correctly a second time or even third time?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm assuming these emplyees are hourly (non-exempt). If you have them go back and re-do the work without paying them, you'll be violating FLSA. Hourlies are paid by the time they are work, not on the quality of their work. If they failed to do the job correctly, and the problems are attributable to them without a justification (such as they weren't trained, or their supervisor said to do it that way), then hold them accountable as performance or behavioral issues.
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