Same classification, different pay?

Our technician employees of which there are 2 classifications only, all receive different hourly pay levels. Each new hire is negotiated individually, but the troops are talking and becoming disgruntled. They seem to be searching for a DOL discrimination. Are we in compliance, or required to pay each class the same starting wage regardless of experience and education (race, gender, etc)?
I'm assuming that there is some justifiable rationale to the difference in rates: e.g., higher rates for certified or experienced employees (based on number of years) because these factors do establish that these employees are more valuable to the employer; and that any of the lower paid employees can reasonably achieve the higher rate by meeting the criteria at some point in their career.
Of course, with the differing pay, morale issues such as what you are encountering start to occur. And it an be an opening for union activity by disgruntled emplyees. And, of course, you know somewhere along the line, an employee will claim discrimination in the pay rate by filing with EEOC.
Margaret Morford
And, atleast as far as experience is concerned, one court has indicated that after a few years on the job, when performance was fairly equal, the pay should have equalized (that case was a sex discrimination case, in which the female employee still made less than the males after 5 years, even though her performance was as good or better).
Good Luck!!