piece rate employees
Does any HR manager have experience converting an hourly wage employee into a piece rate employee? Any special hoops to jump through with respect to implementation of the piece rate program? All thoughts appreciated. Thanks
"Piece-rate worker, i.e., one who is paid on the basis of the quantity of work done."
I found several articles on the topic by searching the Newsletter Archive (in the HRhero.com members-only area). If you are an [link:www.hrhero.com/benefits.shtml|Employment Law Center member] in your state, you can search for these titles:
- Piecework and regular pay: Avoid the overtime trap
- Additional penalties imposed for California Labor Code violations
(see the payroll and recordkeeping section of the article)
- Ask Sam: Is there some other way to pay piecework employees other than what we call the "salaried-fluctuating workweek" basis?
(More info on Law Center membership at [url]www.hrhero.com/benefits.shtml[/url] or call 800/274-6774.)
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor