exempt pay

We have a situation where an exempt employee is having different performance issues that are being discussed with him, and one of the issues is that the employee is conistently late to work, no matter what start hours have been negoitated with him ( the manager has allowed the employee to change starting times to accomodate them). It has become extremely excessive and employee does not respond to any counseling, verbal or written. Will it be in violation of FLSA to ask the employee to charge to vacation the time he was late to work ( from 15 minutes to an hour or so). It appears that at this time this is the only tool that is still left to assure he comes to work on time. Other than the severe abuse of starting time, there isn't enough grounds to take final disciplinary actions.
If your org permits exempt employees to take minimum of 1/2 vacation, then that might be an option, but eventually the vac will be exhausted and if tardiness doesn't improve........... Sounds to me as though a perf improvement plan s/b initiated and then monitored to see if tardiness (and performance improve). If they do, then kudos....... If they don't, then he s/b encouraged to be tardy somewhere else.