Employee Emergency Loans - Does anyone's company do this? If so what are the guidelines

Our company has been giving out emergency employee loans for the past 10 years or so on an as needed basis. We have employees sign a legal loan document, and the loan repayment comes out of payroll deductions, and must be paid back within one year's time. Due to the economic situation, we are receiving these requests much more frequently. As a company we are also experiencing the financial pressures of the economy and have been tightening our belts. We would like to formalize this procedure in writing to all employees with stringent guidelines. I am looking for any information on how your company handles these situations. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I don't have any specific guidelines to share but ours is not a "guaranteed you'll get the loan" kind of thing. 3/4 of our policy basically says we're not a bank, we can't always do this, etc. We also limit and/or withdraw the benfit for repeat users.