Nationalizing 401(k)'s

I received an email from our President/CEO this afternoon wtih a comment that there has been some talk in the Obama Administration of Nationalizing 401(k)'s. I must admit to being caught flat-footed with this comment.
Anyone know anything about this? If it is for real, I am sure there will be some people that will want to move their funds out of this vehicle may go to self directed IRA's or such rather than go to a nationalized plan.
Anyone know anything about this? If it is for real, I am sure there will be some people that will want to move their funds out of this vehicle may go to self directed IRA's or such rather than go to a nationalized plan.
I think it is a little early to worry about this. One person testifying before a subcommittee is a long way from nationalizing 401k's. Still, it is good to be informed and on the look out.
Good luck!
I believe that is exactly the report he was referring to. I think this discussion may also include IRA accounts so moving the money to an IRA would probably not be a solution if any of this ever comes about. As far as the talk about a "nationalized" retirement system, Congress continually has different "experts" testify on Capitol Hill regarding different options for various things. This one expert discussed this concept and the media has just taken this and ran with it. Even this "expert" indicated that if she had testified a year ago, her ideas would have had not traction, but given the recent market, she has gotten a lot of attention.
To soon to worry much about it at this point. I hope...
Do you have something more recent?