Mandatory Health Insurance

Only been in this job two months and this is all new to me. We pay full cost for EE only medical coverage. Can you make it mandatory for employee to enroll in medical coverage? I have never heard of anything like this, but this is what my insurance broker is telling me. If we are paying for it they have to take it. I played devil's advocate with her and asked what if they had a religious objection to medical treatment? I haven't heard her response to that yet. What do you all think? It seems crazy that we would make someone enroll in a medical plan if they have one available to them elsewhere, not to mention the fact that it is a waste of money for us if she doesn't want it.
I am interested to see what the final outcome of this question is...
In defense of the concept, insurance companies do want a minimum census with the employer to help spread their risk, and employers want their insurance costs as low as possible, so employers also want insurance companies to spread their risk. Not following through a mandatory enrollment contract by allowing some folks to decline insurance may mean that your company doesn't make your target minimum census, that you insure only sick people, and that ultimately your costs increase.
best wishes.
Good luck!