head lice at work

We have an employee who says her child has head lice and she also is infected, although she did not go to the doctor. She says she needs to take at least one week off to get rid of the nits. I was under the impression lice are spread by head-to-head contact between humans, such as sharing combs, coats being hung next to each other, etc. If we ask this employee to manage her hygiene (don't leave your comb in the restroom, etc.) can she come back to work without the entire office worrying about catching the lice? I wonder how many people are working right now with head lice! By the way, she is out of sick/personal time for the year. Thank you
However, modern medicines effectively kill the lice and their nits in a brief amount of time. Why would she feel she needs a full week off? I know schools won't allow children back in until they are lice and nit free. Does she think it will take that long to get them all out? It usually takes a day or so, but I have never heard of it taking a week.
Good luck!
Glad things worked out.