Eligibility Waiting Period

Our health and dental plans stimpulate that employees must work two FULL months before becoming eligible. Do any of you have similar requirements that have been waived in the past? Our board is telling management that these waiting periods are often waived for upper level employees and they can come on the plan immediately. Some how this just doesn't seem right or fair to me. Yes, I am aware that life is not fair 

Current policy here is benefits are effective at the first of the month after their date of hire. This is the same for all ee's from the lowest grade level to the highest grade level.
To my knwledge this has not been an issue with any senior level positions we have filled in the past few years.
What most companies do if they want a little leverage in recruiting someone is agree to pay the new employee's COBRA premiums from the old employer. Sometimes you can get a short term policy, and sometimes the carrier will waive the 2 months for free or for a small fee. As the employer, you have lots of options. Just be careful you don't unintentionally fall out of compliance with your contracts or the law.
Good luck!