I have searched the archives and found our previous discussions on USERRA. I swear I have asked and had answered this question before, but can not find it and want to be sure. I know an employee MUST RETURN TO WORK AFTER SERVICE. We have an ee who wants to return one day and quit. Am I correct that he can (unfortunately) do this?
I can tell you what else I would do and that is place the person on a no-rehire status due to insufficient notice prior to resignation, and I would let the person know up front that not being eligible for rehire for policy violation is a consequence to the decision to give a one-day notice. (We happen to have a policy that asks for a minimum 2-week notice, and I am only willing to waive the policy down the road, when the worker tries to return (and they often do), and I can get evidence of extenuating circumstances. Granted, there may be a medical issue of some sort, and if there is, I would recognize it at the latter date, but I would enforce the policy for the short notice.
best wishes
He will not be eligible for rehire, but really matters not. He is going full time with the Guard at double his wage here. He would not want to come back any more than we would want him back and that is the only upside. . really not a valued employee.
Thanks for the feedback. Our attorney has confirmed he need only return the one day.
Have any of you ever received orders for an employee that were for 3 years active duty???
If you doubt the validity of the DD214, call the headquarters that issued the notice and confirm. I've done that and have found military representatives quite helpful. I've also found that with all the other training the military requires of their reservists, they also include some training on employer/reservist expectations RE: USERRA.
I don't doubt the validity of the order. We have just never gotten orders for 3 years in one order before and wondered if anyone else had