Medicare and ERISA Regulations

Can anyone tell me where to find the regs or parts of the regs, within the Medicare and ERISA rules, that talk about employers and fulltime employees who are eligible for Medicare?
We need to know how to handle ee's who want Medicare and want us to offer them a Med Supp within our group plan. We are a self insured employer so need to know if we can add a Med Supp to our group plan to offer to those employees. Note: We do not have benefits for retired employees, only current full time people.
We need to know how to handle ee's who want Medicare and want us to offer them a Med Supp within our group plan. We are a self insured employer so need to know if we can add a Med Supp to our group plan to offer to those employees. Note: We do not have benefits for retired employees, only current full time people.
>incent your ee's to drop your coverage and take Medicare. Do you have a
>broker you can ask?
Thank you for your response. Yes, we do have a broker we've worked with for years, but they have given us conflicting information, so we want to go straight to the horse's mouth.