Other policies

Can anyone and everyone give me some creative ideas on providing benefits? Is there another way of offering insurance to ee's that might not run along conventional lines? For instance we have X for benefits but if you subscribe to Y we will pay $$ to the ee for being under the separate coverage?
Is anyone doing this? What are the legal parameters?
We just received our underwriting costs for premiums for a new provider. They are higher than our current policy and the Controller here is wondering about some creative alternatives along with what is offered.
Thanks to all.
Is anyone doing this? What are the legal parameters?
We just received our underwriting costs for premiums for a new provider. They are higher than our current policy and the Controller here is wondering about some creative alternatives along with what is offered.
Thanks to all.
You can carry that through with cholesteral, height/weight ratios, etc. My son worked for a hospital that gave an extra $5 per item into a paycheck. He happened to hit all the good things they were promoting and made an extra $600 for doing so.
The company's theory was that improved wellness had a good impact on claims history and would, therefore, reduce overall health insurance costs.
Apparently you can't have wellness programs where a reward is based on individuals satisfying a standard related to a health factor. You can reward for participation, but not for outcome.
This is the first I have read of this, so I might not fully understand how it works. However, it sounds like employers need to be very careful about the kinds of incentives they offer.
Good luck!
Would really appreciate some info.
Thanks Everyone-this forum is so awesome.