Pandemic Preparedness

Anyone else participate in the one hour webinar put on by the American Red Cross yesterday? Best thing I got out of it was an email address: [url][/url] This site has all sorts of leads in it. It will also take you to the OSHA site to view the New Gudiance on Preparing Workplace for Influenza Pandemic that OSHA just announced yesterday.
Other than the website, mostly a lot of common sence stuff with a few good ideas to get you thinking just what your company will do if this occurs. How will you handle 40% or more of your ee's being absent? What will your schools and community government do? Is your home prepared if you or a family member must stay home due to this illness? Hopefully we will never experience this this type of a pandemic.
Other than the website, mostly a lot of common sence stuff with a few good ideas to get you thinking just what your company will do if this occurs. How will you handle 40% or more of your ee's being absent? What will your schools and community government do? Is your home prepared if you or a family member must stay home due to this illness? Hopefully we will never experience this this type of a pandemic.
Best wishes.
>disaster impact your locale, you (your
>organization) may need services or may have
>services you can offer.
This is a good point. We found out that our new bookmobile with satellite capability would be a valuable asset to assist emergency personnel with communications out in the rural areas of the county. I don't think we would have considered this without having been exposed to the community meetings to which we were invited.
Anne in Ohio
The site is fantastic. I’m glad you pointed it out on the Forum. Another useful Web resource is [url][/url]
This site is also worth visiting, because it tracks the spread of the flu on a daily basis by offering updates on recent outbreaks and fatalities.
If you’re interested in learning more about the virus and what companies can do to prepare for an outbreak, I would recommend HR Hero’s audio conference: “Preparing for the Avian Flu: New Requirements and Legal Guidelines for Employers.” The event will take place March 8, 2007, from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. (CT). For more details, visit [url][/url]
Ralph Gaillard
M. Lee Smith Publishers