Pre-tax payroll deductions

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-29-07 AT 01:56PM (CST)[/font][br][br]We have a situation where an outside company facilitates our Flexible Spending Account. This company also made cancer policies available to our employees and our company agreed to pay the premium and collect the money from the employee through payroll deductions (pre-tax). We now want to stop this practice and if the employee wants to keep the cancer policy they will have to make the premium payment on their own. No more payroll deduction. Question, can we stop that payroll deduction anytime during the year or do we have to wait until the plan year is over. We were all set to stop the deductions next month when someone told me we had to wait until the end of the plan year because the employee was doing it on a pretax basis. Our plan year ends May 31. Is this correct or does it matter when we stop it. Can't we stop a benefit at any time? Thanks all for your help.
You don't let them drop out of the plan during the year, why should the reverse be true?