Sick Leave Headache in Nebraska

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-16-07 AT 03:03PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Some employers in Nebraska are starting to get antsy due to a recent Supreme Court ruling about vacation leave payout that may have unintended consequences in the area of accrued sick leave. I'm attaching a link to an Omaha World Herald story that came out today. I hope you don't have to create an account to read it....
P.S. I know discussion about this has been posted elsewhere, but now it looks like there's some new info. The Nebraska Department of Labor is advising that the recent court ruling regarding vacation payout also applies to sick leave and that accrued sick leave should be paid out to employees at termination. What a crock!! If their interpretation is upheld, it's going to be bad news for employees!
P.S. I know discussion about this has been posted elsewhere, but now it looks like there's some new info. The Nebraska Department of Labor is advising that the recent court ruling regarding vacation payout also applies to sick leave and that accrued sick leave should be paid out to employees at termination. What a crock!! If their interpretation is upheld, it's going to be bad news for employees!
In the January issue of Nebraska Employment Law Letter, editor Mark Schorr (of Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C., in Lincoln) said he expects legislation to be introduced to clarify the Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act. He expects "the primary focus to be on the definition of 'wages' and the existing statutory language requiring employees to meet all stated conditions before a 'fringe benefit' like sick leave will be deemed to constitute earned or accrued 'wages.'" In a phone call today, Mark mentioned that he's actually helping to put together the proposed legislation. For more on the subject, see the "Nebraska regulatory issues" section of his annual "crystal ball" predictions for 2007 (the lead article in Mark's January issue). tk