Sick Leave Policy

I recently joined this area. Its good to see that there are so many people with similar concerns about personnel matters. xB-)
My company (bank in california with most clients who are korean immigrants) wants to curtail sick leave benefits compensation policy. For example, we want to be conservative in compensation of sick leave. However, as a personnel policy, this may back-fire, where employees will be forced to use up their sick leave (12 days per year, accumulating up to 24 days).
If you have similar experience, please let me know.
My company (bank in california with most clients who are korean immigrants) wants to curtail sick leave benefits compensation policy. For example, we want to be conservative in compensation of sick leave. However, as a personnel policy, this may back-fire, where employees will be forced to use up their sick leave (12 days per year, accumulating up to 24 days).
If you have similar experience, please let me know.