The Vacation Days Blues

So I need a little creative thinking from you guys this time. In fact, this may just be a post of me venting, but a response or two would be nice.
We have what is most likely the worst employee benefit program of anyone on this forum. We have over 100 employees and this is what they all get, regardless of time of service:
3 holidays (Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Years Day)
5 days of vacation per year
That's it. No PTO, no sick leave, no nothing. Despite all my protestations, my manager will not budge on the vacation issue.
He calls me into his office today and tells me that starting next year, he wants to put a stop to people taking vacation one day at a time and start forcing people to take their vacation all at once. While I know this is perfectly legal, I have BIG BIG BIG issues with this policy. I, for example, have no family where I live. When Thanksgiving or Christmas comes around, I tend to take 1 or 2 days vacation so that I can travel to be with family. If he institutes this policy, many employees (including yours truly) will be forced to miss holidays, miss a 3 day weekend here and there, and you can see where this is going...employee morale DOWN THE TOILET.
Anyone have any ideas on how I can show him this is a bad bad bad idea? I am at my wits end, and I think he's tired of hearing my broken record of reasons this is stupid. Any insight would be appreciated. This has been one hell of a day.
We have what is most likely the worst employee benefit program of anyone on this forum. We have over 100 employees and this is what they all get, regardless of time of service:
3 holidays (Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Years Day)
5 days of vacation per year
That's it. No PTO, no sick leave, no nothing. Despite all my protestations, my manager will not budge on the vacation issue.
He calls me into his office today and tells me that starting next year, he wants to put a stop to people taking vacation one day at a time and start forcing people to take their vacation all at once. While I know this is perfectly legal, I have BIG BIG BIG issues with this policy. I, for example, have no family where I live. When Thanksgiving or Christmas comes around, I tend to take 1 or 2 days vacation so that I can travel to be with family. If he institutes this policy, many employees (including yours truly) will be forced to miss holidays, miss a 3 day weekend here and there, and you can see where this is going...employee morale DOWN THE TOILET.
Anyone have any ideas on how I can show him this is a bad bad bad idea? I am at my wits end, and I think he's tired of hearing my broken record of reasons this is stupid. Any insight would be appreciated. This has been one hell of a day.
The trick will be to show what could happen, and if the company has been doing this for a long time, it is possible that they don't have superior results for comparison purposes.
We have an HR Executive Special Report on Absenteeism, and it should give you some fodder for a conversation with you boss. If you are a subscriber to a state newsletter you can download it for free.
Just a few weeks ago some group protested outside the capital in Washington D.C. about how Americans are overworked. A colleague of mine now has a poster on her door from this groups' website that says: Americans Work More Than Medevil Peasants! Perhaps you could find some statistics on their website that will be helpful. I'm sorry I can't remember hte name of the group ...
Good luck!
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
I know it sounds strange but it's really nice to hear someone else say that our situation SUCKS!!! After a while you lose perspective.
When management wants to take away a benefit and force employees to take leave all at once, that takes a lot away from employees - the freedom to do what they want with time they have earned. When it's only 5 days a year, those 5 days are pretty precious. I'd say trying to preserve that benefit absolutely falls under employee AND company protection. If you don't have happy employees, you don't have much of a business either.
We all work for the "company first." And that means protecting and improving the company - if you don't have employees willing to work for your company, you aren't protecting the company.
I'm not sure that helped any as I had no suggestions but just wanted to let you know I sympathize with you and am SOOO glad he left that company!
The reason they have to do this is because of planning the workday. If this company had 20 drivers calling off on one particular day using a vacation day, can you imagine the chaos? Customers would be furious because they didn't receive their packages due to drivers' absences.
I guess it would depend on the type of business you are in whether or not it is necessary to do as my husband's company does or to be a little more lenient.
Where I work we permit employees to call and use a day of vacation at a time and don't make them schedule in weekly increments. This definitely does affect production but our management doesn't seem to mind.