Disability and COBRA ?

If someone is out on disability when they go on COBRA, how many months are they eligible to stay on COBRA? (I see something about IF they go on disability within the first 60 days of COBRA, but what if they are already on disability when COBRA starts?)


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-25-06 AT 02:43PM (CST)[/font][br][br]This information should be in your Initial or General COBRA notice. Ours states:

    "If you or anyone in your family covered under the Plan is determined by the Social Security Administration to be disabled and you notify the Plan Administrator in a timely fashion, you and your entire family may be entitled to received up to an additional 11 months of COBRA continuation for a total maximum of 29 months. The disability would have to have started at some time before the 60th day of COBRA continuation coverage and must last at least until the end of the 18-month period of continuation coverage."

    Generally COBRA is for 18 months from the qualifying event.

    The information you are looking for should be in YOUR Health Insurance Plan Book.
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